Investment Planning

An investment portfolio should be based on a clear understanding of your current financial position, financial objectives and the level of risk you are prepared to take in order to achieve them. Use of available tax structures to maximise the tax efficiency of investment returns is important, as is the quality of the underlying investment management. Asset managers offer a wide range of investment propositions, and it is crucial that you choose one you are comfortable with, as a portfolio is likely to be a long-term investment. Important considerations include: the investment philosophy and process, the investment manager’s credentials and the types of assets used in the construction of portfolios and charges.

Offshore Investments

Offshore investments are often treated with suspicion, not least because of media attention given to successive governments’ mission to stamp out tax evasion and curtail tax avoidance schemes. However, many offshore investments are perfectly legitimate and – provided they are arranged through bona fide offshore jurisdictions – can offer significant tax advantages for more substantial investments. They are often used in conjunction with trust arrangements to assist with inheritance tax mitigation.


NISAs are a tax efficient way of building up a nest egg for the future; perhaps to supplement retirement income, school fees or university education. Although the investment limits in NISAs are relatively modest, these should not be underestimated – fully utilising your NISA allowance each year can build a significant portfolio over time. Among individuals who have fully subscribed to NISAs (and their predecessors, ISAs and PEPs), ‘NISA millionaires’ are not unheard of.

Structured Products

Unlike conventional risk-based investments – such as stocks and shares, collective investments or bonds – Structured Products offer a pre-defined return over a specific period, provided certain investment conditions are met. Although not suitable for everyone, Structured Products can form part of a balanced investment portfolio, depending on your requirements and appetite for risk.

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