Bank of England

UK Interest rates rise

Comment by John Shepperd; Economics Adviser to Butler Toll Asset Management. 2nd November, 2017 To many it may seem like an odd time for the Bank of England to raise Bank Rate. Growth in the economy has slowed over the course of the past year and...

Are UK interest rates set for a rise?

By: John Shepperd; Economics Adviser; Butler Toll 20th September 2017 Are we looking at the first increase in the official Bank Rate since July 2007? Financial markets now appear to think so, with all eyes on the next MPC meeting on November 2nd. Perhaps representative of the...

A Date for your Diaries – Hammond Announces Budget

By Richard Butler; Managing Director; Butler Toll 13th September, 2017 The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, has announced that the next Budget will be held on Thursday 22nd November. This will be the first Budget since the Government lost their majority in the June snap election. Mr Hammond...